Medix Prep Point


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🔥MDCAT Re-Conduct Session 90% OFF🔥 
02 Kinds of Session Available  ⇩ - Click me

Registration Process

If you are already registered, no need of again Registration - Just Make Payment and send Screenshot on Whatsapp

STEP 1: Register by filling required info and select the session which you want to join. For example, MDCAT or AFNS/AMC.
STEP 3: Pay Fee on one of these given numbers:
Account Numbers:
Easypaisa = 0326-5590305 (M. Rehman Akbar)
Jazzcash = 0308-6589850 (M. Rehman Akbar)
STEP 4: Send screenshot of payment to 0326-5590305, and also provide your Gmail which you entered on the website.
STEP 5: After verification, you'll be given access within 24 hours.

For any info, contact on: 0326-5590305

~ Dr. Abdul Rehman

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🔥 Pre-MDCAT 2024 for SINDH Reconduct Available

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Medix Prep Point